Teacher Tuesday - Micro Bits: Bringing Coding into the Classroom (SD53 Elem. Teachers)

Teacher Tuesday - Micro Bits: Bringing Coding into the Classroom (SD53 Elem. Teachers)
2/4/2020, 3:30 PM 5:30 PM
SESS in Keremeos (Room 15)

Teacher Tuesday - Micro Bits: Bringing Coding into the Classroom
Target Audience: SD53 Elementary Teachers and any other SD53 teaching with interest
Facilitator: Ian Johnson
Location: SESS in Keremeos - Room 15
Time: 3:30 - 5:30 PM
This workshop is intended for teachers who are interested in bringing coding into their classrooms or just have a general interest on their own. We will focus on Micro-Bits, small self-contained computers about the size of a credit card. We will look at the basics of what coding is and go through some examples using the visual programming language, Scratch.
There are a few sets of these Micro-Bits within the district so give it a try.
Please bring your laptop and charger

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